The Temple welcomes everyone and is open daily from 06:00 to 21:00. We would only close if all the monks need to attend an event somewhere, and this can be quite unpredictable though we try to post these times on our Facebook pages.
The main events throughout the day are:
Morning Chanting 06:00 to 07:30
Lunch Offering 11:00
Evening Chanting 18:00 to 19:30
If you wish to visit to offer lunch we would suggest that you arrive for 10:45 to prepare for the meal offering at 11:00. After the Monks have taken lunch you are welcome to join us for a meal.
The Temple address is:
Wat Phra Singh UK, 88 High Street, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1JH.
There is ample free parking at the Temple. For the larger temple events there is also free parking around Runcorn Old Town, particularly The Brindley Theatre car park as from there it’s an easy stroll along the canal towpath to the temple. We just ask that you be considerate for local users.
There are Brown Tourist signs around Runcorn Old town pointing the way to the Buddhist Temple, and we would like to thank the local Council for erecting these for us.
Runcorn Main Line Railway Station is only 3 or 4 minutes walk away, as is the local bus station and taxi ranks. Runcorn Old Town has plenty of shops for day to day provisions as well as chemists, post office, banks etc.
Liverpool airport is 20 minutes away and Manchester airport 30 minutes.
We are well served by motorway connections being only 5 minutes away from M56 Junction 12 and 10 minutes from M62 Junction 7. If you are using the new Mersey Gateway bridge please be aware that it is tolled at £2 per crossing. This is payable online at www.merseyflow.co.uk The old Silver Jubilee Bridge is due to reopen in Autumn 2020, and will also be tolled, and will be an easier route to the temple.
School/Group Visits
One of our greatest joys is hosting visits from schools and interested groups. With all faiths being covered in the national school RE curriculum many teachers are contacting us to arrange a visit to the temple. The main shrine room is quite colourful and can accommodate up to 100 pupils. We are also happy to visit schools and groups such as other faiths, Women’s Institutes, care homes etc.
The monks can also attend home or business blessings, and arrangements can be made for funerals. We are also a registered venue for wedding ceremonies.
If you would like to arrange a visit please contact our Temple Secretary, Jenny Stubbs on 07809 464874 or by email at jenny@watphrasinghuk.org